Monday, February 28, 2011

Coco goes country

These boots are a great idea in principle but I have found them difficult to style in practice.  I have a suspicion that they are trying to serve too many masters.  All I can think of when I see them is CC styling meets country.  The cream suede is delicious, the black patent leather is too, with its sharp edges but soft scalloped finished.  Can you see what I'm saying - a little all over the place.

When I picked them up I was out shopping with a dear friend on Melbourne's Brunswick Street.  I was in love immediately.  I spoke to a friend this weekend actually about how women are attracted to shoes.  She made a comment that she knows when a shoe is for her when it speaks to her.  I agree, there is a recognition inside each of us that is inexplicable, very real and sometimes quite impractical.

I wouldn't say these lovelies are totally impractical but I do feel slightly schizophrenic when I wear them, which is a shame because every time I look at them I see glamour and think chic!  This photo really doesn't do them justice.  In person they are quite glorious.  Perhaps that is the problem, my clothes simply fail to live up to these boots' glory.  
