Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Orphan disco

I was surveying my shoes last night, scanning the array of colour before me and wondering what shoe might go with a heat wave?  It is very toasty warm in Sydney at the moment.  When I was driving home last night at around 5:30pm my outside temperature gauge read 44.5 degrees.

These shoes make me think retro styling, dancing queens and disco fever.  A tenuous connection with the hot hot hot weather but one my brain chose to make when I spied them hidden beneath the flood of colour at the bottom of my wardrobe.

These pretty sweethearts, who did nothing to deserve it, are wardrobe orphans.  They have only been on one outing.  I am ashamed.  They may be black based but the shape and gold detailing scream fun.  I have neglected them when I should have shown them the world.  Today will be different.
