Saturday, February 5, 2011

No cake for me

These shoes are a little kooky but I kind of like them as a very casual day shoe.  The truth is, it's the kookiness that makes me like them at all.

As you may know from previous posts I am in no way naturally drawn to non high heeled shoes.  When I look to buy them it's like looking for a needle in a haystack because finding a pair I actually like is near impossible.  So I settle for those I half like.  That in itself is an effort because spending money on these rather than something beautiful is such a disappointment.  When it comes to wearing them I simply do not feel like myself.

I have rationalised the explanation for wearing these non heeled amputees as sensible, saving my feet and comfortable yadda yadda yadda.  But to me, every day is an opportunity for a costume party.  It's part of the joy of living.  I simply can't understand not playing dress ups each day.  My brain goes "fizz" at the concept.

In my world, wearing flat shoes is like taking away a little kid's birthday cake.

Sheesh, being "sensible" is exhausting.
