Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pink thinking purple people

Everyone knows that little girls love pink and purple.  I may not be all that little any more but I am no exception to this rule.  Recently, though, I came to realise that I'm not entirely sure what the difference is between them.  Am I a colour blind colour lover?  No no no, I'm not colour blind but I am concerned about what they teach kids in school these days because I am not convinced that I know what colour these shoes are.  Where is the line between pink and purple?

I'll be brave and make a call: it's purple with a little pink anxiety.  I have a dress in exactly this colour. The anxiety came out the first time I wore the dress and decided to ask one of my colleagues whether she thought my dress was pink or purple.  Rebecca's very clear answer was "pink" and "are you mental?".  Fair question.  But let's look at the facts.  The pillow below is definitely pink, a light pink with softness and warmth that is quite different to my shoe.  My shoe is dark pink gone bluey - in other words, purple!  Surely that's right?  It's cooler and sharper than the light pink pillow contrast.

These are the things that keep me entertained on the inside.
