Monday, February 21, 2011

Cocktails and snakes

I bought these shoes years ago on a visit to London.  My dear friend Ruth had moved there fairly recently and was dating a French guy who, at the time, I oscillated between nick naming the "frog" or the "toad".  Nothing was clear at the time but now it's safe to say the right label was the "frog" because he turned out to be her great love.  I'm not saying "the other word" because it's just too much at this time in the morning (or ever). 

Ahem, back on track.  Ruth is a shoe diva.  I love her style, her intolerance of boring and simple demand that anything that goes on her feet is perfect.  Her approach is simple and effective.  Before she moved to London some of our favourite things to do together were drinking cocktails and decompressing after long days and shopping (in general but especially for shoes).

Don't mis-judge me, I have my own style, but I am inspired by the people around me.  These shoes remind me of her and, to be honest, I'm not clear that I would have bought them if I hadn't been with her.  Needless to say I am absolutely delighted that I did.  They are fun without being silly, sexy without venturing into hookerville and practical without being dowdy.  They took me into a realm of shoe-dom I wouldn't have known without her.  Who could ask for more?

So, thank you Ruth and happy birthday for today.  I can't wait to shop with you very soon in your new home, NYC.  Your global homes are very good for my wardrobe.
