Friday, February 25, 2011

A little happy

It has been three days since an enormous earthquake tragically struck Christchurch, New Zealand.  A terribly sombre and shocking time for people like myself who are themselves far away but with dear friends and family in the region.  I cannot even begin to imagine what these past few days have been like for those who lived through the experience and are grappling with the consequences now.

Christchurch, you kindly housed me for seven years, while I studied, worked and met some of the best people I have ever known.  Some of them are still there and, while you and I weren't a match made in heaven, I love going back to visit them from time to time.  I am so dreadfully sorry that you are suffering and hope today's post can bring you a little something to lighten the mood.

One of our issues, Christchurch, is we often misunderstood each other when it came to fashion.  I felt like a drag queen in a country choir most of the time.  In light of that, I have a suspicion that these shoes might give you a laugh.  Can you imagine these tottering around the Square, clambering up the Port Hills or wafting up and down the Strip?  Go on, you know I'd do it.  I'm really quite happy to be your clown today if it can make some of you smile, even for a moment. To me, these shiny red frayed ladies are fun and exaggerated in the best possible way, but I'm happy to be your joke any day of the week if it brings you a little "happy".

My love and wishes for everything good are with you all.
