Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Flower delirium

Right, so this pair falls into several embarrassing categories:

- They were purchased in an online shopping frenzy and travelled from the other side of the earth at my electronic request.
- I waited on the edge of my seat for them to arrive.  Willing time to pass faster so that they would arrive.
- I was judged (deservedly so) by the mail room guy and reception ladies.
- I lost interest moments after receiving them.
- They have lain dormant in my wardrobe for many moons.
- I have never worn them.

I think I should be do some kind of penance for my sins of lust and gluttony.  Perhaps there is some sort of community service I can do to make up for my wastefulness. All that money spent and attention diverted for me to cast them aside.

I am a naughty naughty girl.
