Friday, March 18, 2011

Uggs are not sexy

I read an article earlier this week about the founder of Jimmy Choo shoes, Tamara Mellon.  The article credited her with making Ugg boots sexy by whacking a stiletto on the back.  I own a pair of Uggs (sans JC heel),  I love them with PJs, chocolate and red wine in winter but I could never see them as alluring or seductive simply because someone with a following bangs a heel on the back of them.

I don't care if you are Tamara Mellon; Uggs aren't sexy and can't be made so.  That's just not possible in my book.  They are at best cute and cosy, and at their worst, trashy.  The heeled Uggs released by Jimmy Choo look like a mistake.  A round peg in a square hole.

Perhaps it's because I'm not a Jimmy Choo kind of a gal.  When it comes to luxury shoes I'm more of a Sergio Rossi meets Hugo Boss meets away with the fairies type.  Ms Mellon clearly makes beautiful shoes but I am yet to find a pair that I connect with.  Naturally, I'm keeping an open mind.  Tomorrow is another shopping day so you never know.

These clunkers somehow remind me of the Jimmy Choo Ugg but they don't offend me the way the Ugg heels do.  They are an attempt at casual chic though I think they come off a little chunky.  Actually, it's the chunkiness that both repulses and draws me in.  Intellectually I don't get them but the simple fact is I just like them.  I'm looking forward to putting these contradictions on today.
