Monday, March 28, 2011

3 brown boots and a wedding steak

There is something deeply cosy about brown.  To me it is the colour of warmth and love.  In Anne of Green Gables, the dress Matthew buys for newly homed orphan Anne is a rich chocolate brown that makes her radiate with gratitude and humility.

Before Queen Victoria f*cked weddings up for the western bridal population, brown was a favoured colour for brides.  She started the trend that blindly prevails today and is embraced by people who are failed by it.  It was only after Queen Victoria wore white that the (non) colour took off as first choice for bridal colour.  The assertion that white has anything to do with virtue is a nonsense and historically incorrect.  I can't help but laugh at the blindness with which white is worn at weddings.  I am a stickler for thought, I do need to chill out and I realise that other people don't see the world the same way I do, but the way I am made means I would lack integrity and find it terribly difficult to forgive myself if I made a blind choice.

I find wedding cakes hilarious, for example.  Few people ever appear to asks themselves "why?", they just blindly trot on ahead, presumably because told them to do so.  The world according to sheep.  Wedding cakes also have a long tradition, but I guarantee you the vast majority of brides have zero clue.  I like wedding cakes but what happens if the bridal couple are more savoury than sweet type people?  How about cutting a wedding steak?

I have digressed into my own insanity.  I think these things, for sure, but I can also take a deep breath, get out of my own mind and shake it off.  Shaken...... Each of these boots has their own character.  I love that the feminine cowboy boots have their own detachable bling, that the middle pair slouch warmly and the pair to the left are so soft it makes me squeak with happiness every time I put them on (even though they are heel-less amputees).
