Friday, March 4, 2011


There is something cosy about these shoes.  An intangible quality that just makes me go "ahhhhh".  I'm obviously growing up because these are "sensible" shoes and quite foreign to my usual list of "likes" in this world.

I've experienced similar growth with respect to coffee vs tea.  I used to drink an inordinate amount of coffee.  The thought of drinking tea was obscene.  I used to call it "sewer water for the weak".  Ever colourful.

One day my friend Tree and I thought we'd see how much coffee we could drink in one sitting.  It was a sort of self experiment.  Within about an hour we managed to get through six or seven cups of coffee comprised of a Tablespoon of instant espresso (yuck, I know) and two Tablespoons of sugar (yuck yuck, I know I know).

My 6 foot 7 friend Tree was felled and I was violently ill.  It was an interesting experiment and many moons have passed since then.  I now enjoy coffee on occasion.  It must be espresso and it must be good.  I also got over myself and now enjoy tea every day, it's comforting and doesn't hurt my tummy.

I now know that it's okay not to take the "hard core" option every time when it comes to caffeinated beverages and shoes.  These shoes taught me it's okay to go for cuddly shoe comfort.
