Saturday, January 22, 2011

Flat fear

It's Saturday morning.  I have been told many many times that this means "it's okay to wear flats".  My brain does a little twist when I hear this.  Two propositions, "okay to" and "wear flats", colliding that make no sense to me.  If my brain were a PC this is when it would crash.

I once had these beautiful tan leather Mary Jane's with red leather detailing.  They were, at the time, my highest of high heels.  I used to walk 8km in these shoes from my home to work.  I was delighted but my friends clearly thought I was nuts.  One of them staged an intervention and demanded I entertain the idea of flat shoes.

I am still baffled by flats.  They are like amputees to me.  Missing something.  Incomplete versions of the whole.  But I listened to her and slowly but surely some flats have snuck into my wardrobe.  I can't say I actively like wearing flats but I have grown to appreciate that they have some value, if only to shut my friends up.

Golden flat strappies it is.
