Saturday, April 2, 2011

Number 77

Many years ago I was bitten by a bug.  A bug that is exuberant with wordless expression, physical violence and simple acute joy.   These four pairs are leftovers from dreams past.  They are in pretty good condition given what dancers put their shoes and themselves through - brute force wrapped in beauty.

I was never able to follow through completely - injury took that possibility away - but I fill with gratitude for the time I did have in a studio and on a stage.  There was blood, there was sweat, there were tears.  I loved it all.

There are people in my life who share this bug or have seen parts of it in my life.  Thank you to you all.  You know who you are and I know the little smile that is creeping across your face as you think back over everything we have done together.  I am smiling back!

Today, I keep my bug at bay by avoiding it.  Nevertheless, it is a fundamental part of who I am and it is impossible to excise this part of my life from myself.  It will always be my heart, my soul and myself.

Thank you for reading.  I have loved writing this blog and embarrassing myself into acknowledging that I have a distinct shoe problem.  It's been a good lesson in gluttony!  I wonder if I will ever learn.....


Friday, April 1, 2011

77'th Shoe Eve

So, this is the long and the pink of it: three shoes, 24 hours and lots of questions.  I've had to cram in the last few pairs of shoes because tomorrow I leave the country and technology behind for a short while.  

Squished together before you I present a long legged favourite of mine: witchey-poo meets Paris (not Hilton).  She is a soft black suede that sits just above the knee and dips down at the back.  She's so simple, she's sexy.  I like an understated twinkle in my boot's eye.  The salmon flat was an accident - a remedy to a shopping trip gone blistered.  The pink bootie is delicious.

In 24 hours I will reveal my last shoe, Mistress 77, and then I will leave.  Mistress 77 is my heart.  She is my insides and myself.  I hope you like her.  

I will miss you once you meet her and this blog is complete.  Thank you for reading.
